How does the human auditory system change over development?

Selected Publications:

Skoe E, Krizman J, Anderson S, Kraus N. (2015) Stability and plasticity of auditory brainstem function across the lifespanCerebral Cortex. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bht311.

Krizman J, Tierney A, Fitzroy A, Skoe E, Amar J, Kraus N. (2015) Continued maturation of auditory brainstem function during adolescence: A longitudinal approachClinical Neurophysiology S1388-2457(15): 00083-8.

Spitzer E, White-Schwoch T, Woodruff-Carr K, Skoe E,  Kraus N (2015) Continued maturation of the click-evoked auditory brainstem response in preschoolers Journal of the American Academy of Audiology doi: 10.3766/jaaa.26.1.4.

Skoe E, Kraus N (2013) Musical training heightens auditory brainstem function during sensitive periods in developmentFrontiers in Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00622. Edited by: Virginia Penhune.